
Jagadish Shettar Fails To Get Grants Allocated To His Constituency : Rajath Ullagaddimath

HUBBALLI: The Karnataka Budget presented by CM Basavaraj Bommai is disappoiting & visionless, said Hubballi Congress leader Rajath Ullagaddimath

The Budget has failed to fulfill the aspiration of Hubballi- Dharwad Central constituency. MLA Jagadish Shettar has been unsuccesful to get grants allocated to his constituency, he said.

Being a Hubballi man, how come CM Bommai left out this Constituency? asked Rajath Ullagaddi.

This raises several questions about CM Bommai- Shettar relation. Did Shettar fail to darw CM’s attention? or just neglected the issues faced by the people? Or was there any ego-clashes, Rajath asked.

Many Hubballites opine that the cold-war between CM Bommai & Jagadish Shettar is adversly affecting in City’s development, he added.

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